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 In this article, I will show you how to make some money from a passive income App (this method will not make you rich 😟 )

You should ask, but what is "Passive Income"?

What is Passive Income ? 

Earnings from a rental property, limited partnership, or other business in which a person is not actively participating are referred to as passive income. Passive income, like active income, is normally taxable, but the IRS treats it differently.

Passive income proponents are often supporters of a work-from-home and be-your-own-boss professional lifestyle. In recent years, the term "passive income" has been thrown around a lot. It's been used colloquially to describe money earned on a regular basis with little or no work on the part of the recipient.

The IRS defines passive income as either "net rental income" or "revenue from a business in which the taxpayer does not materially participate," and it can include self-charged interest in some situations.

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Types of Passive Income :

Self-charged interest, rental properties, and enterprises in which the individual receiving the revenue is not a substantial participant are examples of passive income. In order for income to be classified passive, there are specific IRS requirements that must be fulfilled.

Self-charged interest

The interest income on a loan to a partnership or a S corporation working as a pass-through organization (basically, a business designed to minimise the consequences of double taxation) by the entity's owner can qualify as passive income. If the loan funds are employed in a passive activity, certain self-charged interest income or deductions may be classified as passive activity gross income or passive activity deductions, according to the IRS.

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Rental properties

With a few exceptions, rental properties are considered passive income. Any rental revenue you earn as a real estate professional qualifies as active income. If you're "self-renting," which means you own a space and rent it to a corporation or partnership where you do business, it's not considered passive income unless the lease was signed before 1988, in which case it's considered passive. “It makes no difference whether the use is under a lease, a service contract, or some other arrangement,” the IRS said.

With a few exceptions, rental properties are considered passive income. Any rental revenue you earn as a real estate professional qualifies as active income. If you're "self-renting," which means you own a space and rent it to a corporation or partnership where you do business, it's not considered passive income unless the lease was signed before 1988, in which case it's considered passive. “It makes no difference whether the use is under a lease, a service contract, or some other arrangement,” the IRS said.

‘No material involvement' in a business

If you invest $500,000 in a candy store with the understanding that the owners will pay you a portion of the profits, it is considered passive income as long as you do not participate in the management of the business in any meaningful way. Because you contributed "substantial participation," your income might be considered active if you assisted the owners in managing the business.

The IRS has material involvement standards, which include the following:

Material engagement occurs when you devote more than 500 hours to a business or activity from which you profit.

Material involvement is when your participation in an activity accounts for "substantially all" of your participation for the tax year.

Material engagement is defined as putting in up to 100 hours of effort, which is at least as much as any other person engaging in the activity.

Special Considerations:

When you record a loss on a passive activity, just the gains from that activity can be deducted, rather than the entire revenue. To get the most out of the tax deduction, you should make sure that all of your passive activities are classed as such. These deductions are set aside for the following tax year and used in a fair manner, taking into account the following year's earnings or losses. 

You can combine two or more passive activities into one larger activity to save time and effort, as long as you construct an "appropriate economic unit," according to the IRS. Instead of providing material involvement for various activities, you simply have to offer it for the activity as a whole when you do this. Furthermore, if you combine numerous activities into one group and have to eliminate one of them, you've simply eliminated a portion of a larger activity rather than the entirety of a smaller one. 

The organizing principle behind this grouping is relatively simple: if the activities are located in the same geographic area; if the activities have similar types of business; or if the activities are interdependent in some way—for example, if they share customers, employees, or use a single set of accounting books.

If you owned a pretzel shop and a shoe shop at malls in Monterey, Calif., and Amarillo, Texas, for example, you'd have four options for grouping your passive income:

  • Combined into a single activity (all businesses were in shopping malls)

  • Geographically grouped (Monterey and Amarillo)

  • They might be classified by type of business (for example, pretzel and shoe retail sales) 

  • or they could be left ungrouped.

Thanks for reading

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